Productivity & Time Management Consulting



Cindy Sullivan works with individuals and organizations who want to be more effective and productive with their time – helping busy and motivated professionals accomplish what’s most important to them. She provides consulting, coaching, training, and speaking in the area of Time Management & Productivity.  Cindy is the author of The Six Pillars of Productivity - Strategies to Organize the


The 6 Pillars

Goals & Direction

Do your actions, roles, and routines currently line up with your life priorities?  Would you like to feel more satisfaction and knowledge that your day-to-day activities reflect what's important to you?  Working to strengthen the Pillar of Long-Range Goals  can move those goals from "someday"  into reality - all while increasing... Read More

Structure & Planning

The Planning Pillar is all about being intentional with your use of time.  Are you building in time for - and doing - the right things?  Are you organizing your activities in a way that they happen efficiently?  Activities in this pillar also move to connect your goals to your day-to-day activities. Cindy works with clients to help them "Plan... Read More

Leverage - Habits & Self Management

The skills in the area of Leverage deal with your ability to monitor and control your own actions and attention.  Do you struggle to stay on task?  Is it hard to manage distractions and interruptions? Society and technology are often at odds with us here as we have information and communications coming at us in a constant stream.  ... Read More

Internal Time Clock

Skills in the "Internal Time Clock" pillar have to do with the ability to accurately gauge the time needed for tasks and stay in tune with where you are, time-wise, in your day.  Do you tend to lose track of time?  Do you have a good sense for how long your regular activities actually take so you can plan appropriately?  Does your plan for... Read More

Resources, Systems, & Prompts

The Resources Pillar addresses the tools & systems that help you manage tasks, your calendar, and reminders.  In short, it's the skill area that helps keep you on track!  If you rely on memory alone to know what has to be done, are inefficient with using systems or routines, or don't have any single place to capture all that has to get... Read More


The Arrangement Pillar addresses setting up effective areas so you maximize your prime real estate and can find what you need - when you need it.  Disorganization and clutter can really take a blow at productivity.  Do you lose time looking for things you know you have - somewhere? Do you get distracted from the work at hand by all of the other... Read More

Latest News

Part 2 Get Organized Before and After Vacation
(Part 2) Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation
Jun 3, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan

For some, the thought of taking time off is stressful.    If you dread the workload when you return to work or feel like that post-vacation zen will be quickly lost under a mountai

Get Ready for Vacation!
Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation
May 20, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan

  Memorial Day is the Doorstep of summer and that means vacation and travel is coming up for many.  Whether that has you packing a suitcase or looking forward to a "stay-cation", it can take some wor

Kick these 5 phrases to the curb!
5 Unproductive Phrases to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary!
Nov 17, 2023 | by Cindy Sullivan

There are several phrases I frequently hear from clients – and have been known to say myself from time to time– that