cbSullivan Consulting, LLC


The Resources Pillar addresses the tools & systems that help you manage tasks, your calendar, and reminders.  In short, it's the skill area that helps keep you on track!  If you rely on memory alone to know what has to be done, are inefficient with using systems or routines, or don't have any single place to capture all that has to get done, you could benefit from shoring up your Resources pillar. 

  • 1/2 Day Goal-Setting & Strategy Session

    This Pillar reflects how actions, roles, and routines, line up with goals and life priorities. In other words, “Do my actions reflect what is important to me”? Motivation is impacted by how well you connect our day-to-day activities with what’s truly important to you. Likewise, frustration sets in when you aren’t making progress toward your goals or living your values. Below are services and offerings that can help you address and improve in the area of Goals & Direction. Also, check out the blog link for articles and tips to help you in this area. If you’re not sure where to start and would like to schedule a complimentary phone consultation

  • 8-Session Coaching Package

    This package includes a deep-dive comprehensive intake along with 8 50-minute phone coaching sessions. We review your assessment results to find areas for improvement that will have maximum payoff. Goals are reviewed along with techniques to incorporate action steps into your weekly plan. Additional sessions can be purchased for ongoing accountability and support.

  • Goal-Setting Retreats

    Retreats offer a chance to get away from the day-to-day routine and environment while thinking strategically about the coming months or year. Cindy works with individuals and groups to structure a time and space that fosters creativity and ingenuity and drills down to “next steps” so goals stay front and center. Retreats are available for one or multiple days as well as on-site or at a meeting location of your choice.

  • BLANK Goal Setting worksheet

    Here’s a simple worksheet for identifying a goal or project and breaking down all the steps involved.



Latest News

Part 2 Get Organized Before and After Vacation

(Part 2) Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation

Jun 3, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan

For some, the thought of taking time off is stressful.    If you dread the workload when you return to work or feel like that post-vacation zen will be quickly lost under a mountain of emails, then take steps NOW to get organized so... Read More

Get Ready for Vacation!

Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation

May 20, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan

  Memorial Day is the Doorstep of summer and that means vacation and travel is coming up for many.  Whether that has you packing a suitcase or looking forward to a "stay-cation", it can take some work to make that time away... Read More

Kick these 5 phrases to the curb!

5 Unproductive Phrases to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary!

Nov 17, 2023 | by Cindy Sullivan

There are several phrases I frequently hear from clients – and have been known to say myself from time to time– that prove counter-productive to accomplishing your best work.  Each of these phrases highlight common misconceptions... Read More

Back to School

10 Tips to ease back into the school year

Aug 15, 2022 | by Cindy Sullivan

School buses are making an appearance this month and with Back-to-School, lots of activity and change taking place.  Here are a few things to consider so you can smooth the transition back into the school year. New Morning... Read More

Tips & Ideas to Stay Productive Amidst COVID-19

Tips & Ideas to Stay Productive Amidst COVID-19

Mar 12, 2020 | by Cindy Sullivan

Many of us are, or will be, impacted by schedule disruptions related to COVID-19.  Cancellations and the move toward "social distancing" means we will likely be spending much more time at home in the coming days.  With this change in... Read More

Don't Let Speed Bumps Stop Your Goals

You've Got Your Goals - Now What About the Speed Bumps?

Jan 28, 2020 | by Cindy Sullivan

Many of us have spent these first weeks in January considering goals and projects we intend to accomplish in the coming year.  There is often a lot of momentum and excitement to see those plans to fruition.  In addition to identifying... Read More

How to "Make" Time This Holiday Season

How to "Make" Time This Holiday Season

Nov 21, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

The holiday lights are starting to appear and preparations are underway.  As much as I enjoy the holidays I also anticipate them with a bit of dread as I know that time seems to come at a premium this time of year.  So, in anticipation of... Read More

Tackle Procrastination - Get Started #timemanagement #productivity

It's Not The Task We Procrastinate - It's Getting Started!

Apr 16, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

  We’ve all been there - - that lingering item that needs to be done but we just can’t seem to make ourselves do it.  Sometimes it’s that the task is large or difficult.  Other times it’s something... Read More

Consider WHEN and HOW you work to maximize your productivity

Building a Better Plan - - WHEN and HOW to work

Apr 9, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

A plan for your time should be dynamic.  Think beyond the boundaries of a list of “stuff” to do.  As my earlier posts in this series (Broaden Your Scope and Leave Space), taking into consideration when as well as how to do... Read More

Leave Space to be flexible!

Building a Better Plan - - Leave Space!

Apr 1, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

  Better planning means avoiding pitfalls that jeopardize our intentions.  Like last week’s article “Broadening the Scope” (click here to catch up), the idea of Leaving Space means giving ourselves room to maneuver and... Read More

Broaden your scope to build a better plan!

Building a Better Plan - - Avoid Being Shortsighted

Mar 25, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

It's so frustrating to create a plan for your week and then have it all go out the window!  While we can't always avoid emergencies, priority changes, or sometimes even interruptions there ARE ways you can make sure that you don't jeopardize... Read More

If time were money, where would you spend it?

Here's $86,400 - - Now Spend It!

Feb 19, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

I recently spoke at a Lunch-n-Learn where they used a great icebreaker to kick off our discussion.  Participants were told to imagine they have been given $86,400.  They are required to spend it all – none can be saved.... Read More

Time Management, Creativity, Goals

Creativity - - Often "Less" Brings About "More"

Jan 31, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

  My mother always said that the best gift for a child is a plain old large cardboard box.  Now, with children of my own, I know what she means.  They often seem most excited about the potential a box offers rather than the specific... Read More

What's holding you back from your goals?

What Holds Our Goals Captive?? (part 1) - - FEAR!

Jan 15, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

This is the time of year when most of use are considering and setting goals for the new year.  We're operating from a place of possibility and big thinking.  That's as it should be!  That is where we can take a much broader... Read More

2019 - Are you ready??

Are You Ready??

Jan 7, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

For many, today launches the first full week back into our regular routines and schedules.  And, despite our wish that we could slowly ease into the new year, it's off and running at full steam ahead!  We've got the gift of another 359... Read More

Organizing amidst the holiday chaos

Tips to Get Organized Amidst the Holiday Chaos

Nov 30, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

Each month, I try to focus on a specific area of time management and productivity.  This month is ORGANIZATION.  The problem is, If your schedule is anything like mine, this time of year is FULL.  School semesters and year-end work is... Read More

fitting all the pieces together

Fitting It All In

Aug 29, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

For most people, how to fit everything into their day or week is at the top of their priority list when it comes to time management.  How can we better tackle the mountain of projects, tasks, and responsibilities while still trying to fit in... Read More

Lighten Up Those Goals

"Lighten Up" this Summer - - Goals

Jul 2, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

June 21st officially kicked off summer and, to me, that means lightening up - - from shedding jackets and sweaters for summer lightweight clothes, time away from the usual routine for vacation, kids out of school, to the generally lighter "vibe" the... Read More

Email productivity

Polish Those Email Skills and See Your Productivity Shine!

Jun 13, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

My last blog touched on 5 Surprising Things That Take a Blow at Our Productivity - - one of them is how we communicate. While communication happens in many ways, we'll focus today on Email and a few ways you can hone your emailing skills so less... Read More

Put your fist down

5 Suprising Things That Take A Blow At Our Productivity

Apr 20, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

While having a targeted and purposeful task list is a great launch point for a productive week, it’s important to think beyond the list.  Below are some things you may have never considered when thinking about the topic of Time... Read More

Wisdom instead of perfection

But I Thought "Perfect" Was a Good Thing?!?!?

Feb 20, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

68% of those that have taken my 6 Pillars of Effective Time Management assessment admit that they spend a LOT of time and energy trying to make things "Perfect".  The dilemma is whether or not that's a good thing. Don't get me wrong..... When... Read More

Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Feb 9, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

Habits are like shortcuts for our brain.  We don't have to really think about what we're doing, we've built habits and can go on auto-pilot for many things we do regularly.  The problem is that habits can be positive AND negative. ... Read More

The 5 Perks of Planning

The 5 Perks of Planning

Dec 17, 2017 | by Cindy Sullivan

One of the easiest things to dismiss when we're busy is taking the time to PLAN.  Often our attention is drawn to other things so it's easy to ignore - or forget - why this activity can be so beneficial.  Here are 5 reminders as to how... Read More

Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Oct 24, 2017 | by Cindy Sullivan

Have you ever felt that despite your work to build a plan, the day slips away from you?  Or, have you taken time to do some goal-setting all to come to year's end and realize that you didn't make any progress on them?  Do you know WHAT you... Read More