cbSullivan Consulting, LLC

Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation

May 20, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan


Memorial Day is the Doorstep of summer and that means vacation and travel is coming up for many.  Whether that has you packing a suitcase or looking forward to a "stay-cation", it can take some work to make that time away stress-free.

A good place to start is getting organized early.  This series will break down some steps, reminders, and considerations to help ease your way into summer.  Today's tips cover vacation planning and prep.  (Stay tuned in the coming days for ideas on how to keep your vacation interruption-free AND how to get back to work without feeling a mile behind.)

  • Get it on the calendar early!  Don't risk losing out on the week of your choice by waiting till others have filled in the "time off" calendar at work.
  • Look at any deliverables due before, during, and immediately after your time away.  Start planning now to accommodate, delegate, or adjust any work that will be affected during your time off.
  • Set expectations around your availability for contact during your break.  Is this strictly a "no work" break or will you field the occasional email?  
  • Notify key clients and/or vendors if there are those that will need to know you will be away.  If possible, provide a "While I'm away" point of contact. (You may have more than one to address different questions.)
  • Block out time now on your calendar so you have some time to process emails and get up to speed on what you've missed.  Depending on the volume, you may need as little as a half-day for re-entry or a few days if there is lots to address.  Maybe schedule a meeting with your key colleagues so you already have time booked to catch up and get a debrief.
  • Book any flights, hotels, etc. early.  Prices will be better and there's less risk of losing out on availability.
  • Keep all travelers in the loop regarding departure and pickup times so there are clear expectations.
  • Set a "needed by" date.  Let colleagues know that this is the date before which they must request any additional tasks, questions, or inquiries so that you have time to address them before you leave.  Plan to communicate this several times as you count down the time till your vacation.
  • Consider any accommodation details such as sleeping arrangements, accessibility needs (like walk-in shower vs. tub or limited stairs), dietary concerns, etc. and make inquiries and arrangements to address those.
  • If going to a new area, research activities of interest, dining recommendations, and even those "lesser known" attractions.  
  • Book any extracurricular activities and add-ons such as excursions, attraction tickets, auto or recreational rentals, etc.
  • Traveling with young children?  Will you need a sitter, crib or car seat rental, etc?
  • Food - Will you be dining out or eating in?  Scope out the best location to bring in supplies, if needed
  • Check your passport to insure all are up to date and valid beyond the dates of travel.  Verify if your destination requires a visa.
  • Order foreign currency.  Many banks offer the option to request foreign currency at an exchange rate that is better than you'd get at an exchange desk once enroute.  The key is to make the request early to allow time for delivery.

Interested to learn more about how to improve organization and productivity skills for yourself or your organization?  Reach out for a Complimentary Consultation to learn more about coaching and training opportunities.  Click HERE to schedule