cbSullivan Consulting, LLC


Email productivity

Polish Those Email Skills and See Your Productivity Shine!

Jun 13, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

My last blog touched on 5 Surprising Things That Take a Blow at Our Productivity - - one of them is how we communicate. While communication happens in many ways, we'll focus today on Email and a few ways you can hone your emailing skills so less time is wasted chasing down responses: Understand when email ISN'T the right method to use.  Some topics...
Put your fist down

5 Suprising Things That Take A Blow At Our Productivity

Apr 20, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

While having a targeted and purposeful task list is a great launch point for a productive week, it’s important to think beyond the list.  Below are some things you may have never considered when thinking about the topic of Time Management.  Yet, how many of these may be impacting your ability to get things done?? Communication. Poorly...
Wisdom instead of perfection

But I Thought "Perfect" Was a Good Thing?!?!?

Feb 20, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

68% of those that have taken my 6 Pillars of Effective Time Management assessment admit that they spend a LOT of time and energy trying to make things "Perfect".  The dilemma is whether or not that's a good thing. Don't get me wrong..... When the stakes are high, attention to detail and accuracy are a must.  That proposal for new business,...
Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Time Management Habits that Hinder Success

Feb 9, 2018 | by Cindy Sullivan

Habits are like shortcuts for our brain.  We don't have to really think about what we're doing, we've built habits and can go on auto-pilot for many things we do regularly.  The problem is that habits can be positive AND negative.  Here are a few habits around time management and productivity that can really limit your ability to...
The 5 Perks of Planning

The 5 Perks of Planning

Dec 17, 2017 | by Cindy Sullivan

One of the easiest things to dismiss when we're busy is taking the time to PLAN.  Often our attention is drawn to other things so it's easy to ignore - or forget - why this activity can be so beneficial.  Here are 5 reminders as to how taking 30 minutes to plan your week can really pay off in time saved and lower stress: You know where to begin -...
Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Strengthen These 6 Areas to See Increased Productivity!

Oct 24, 2017 | by Cindy Sullivan

Have you ever felt that despite your work to build a plan, the day slips away from you?  Or, have you taken time to do some goal-setting all to come to year's end and realize that you didn't make any progress on them?  Do you know WHAT you want to be doing but just can't seem to figure out HOW to fit in all you have to do and actually stay...