cbSullivan Consulting, LLC


Part 2 Get Organized Before and After Vacation

(Part 2) Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation

Jun 3, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan

For some, the thought of taking time off is stressful.    If you dread the workload when you return to work or feel like that post-vacation zen will be quickly lost under a mountain of emails, then take steps NOW to get organized so things run more smoothly.  Sure, there will be things to catch up on, but you CAN set yourself up for a...
Get Ready for Vacation!

Getting Organized Before - and After - Vacation

May 20, 2024 | by Cindy Sullivan

  Memorial Day is the Doorstep of summer and that means vacation and travel is coming up for many.  Whether that has you packing a suitcase or looking forward to a "stay-cation", it can take some work to make that time away stress-free. A good place to start is getting organized early.  This series will break down some steps, reminders, and...
Kick these 5 phrases to the curb!

5 Unproductive Phrases to Eliminate from Your Vocabulary!

Nov 17, 2023 | by Cindy Sullivan

There are several phrases I frequently hear from clients – and have been known to say myself from time to time– that prove counter-productive to accomplishing your best work.  Each of these phrases highlight common misconceptions and may be fooling you into some unproductive thinking.   Check them out:   "I don't have...
Don't Let Speed Bumps Stop Your Goals

You've Got Your Goals - Now What About the Speed Bumps?

Jan 28, 2020 | by Cindy Sullivan

Many of us have spent these first weeks in January considering goals and projects we intend to accomplish in the coming year.  There is often a lot of momentum and excitement to see those plans to fruition.  In addition to identifying those goals and determining what steps you need to make them happen, there is another question that can prove...
Consider WHEN and HOW you work to maximize your productivity

Building a Better Plan - - WHEN and HOW to work

Apr 9, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

A plan for your time should be dynamic.  Think beyond the boundaries of a list of “stuff” to do.  As my earlier posts in this series (Broaden Your Scope and Leave Space), taking into consideration when as well as how to do various tasks can boost your productivity significantly.  If you haven’t really considered your...
Leave Space to be flexible!

Building a Better Plan - - Leave Space!

Apr 1, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

  Better planning means avoiding pitfalls that jeopardize our intentions.  Like last week’s article “Broadening the Scope” (click here to catch up), the idea of Leaving Space means giving ourselves room to maneuver and adapt as life comes at us.  Here are some things to consider:   How "responsive" is your role?...
Broaden your scope to build a better plan!

Building a Better Plan - - Avoid Being Shortsighted

Mar 25, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

It's so frustrating to create a plan for your week and then have it all go out the window!  While we can't always avoid emergencies, priority changes, or sometimes even interruptions there ARE ways you can make sure that you don't jeopardize your plan from the get go.  Make sure your plan isn't short-sighted.  There's nothing like constantly...
If time were money, where would you spend it?

Here's $86,400 - - Now Spend It!

Feb 19, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

I recently spoke at a Lunch-n-Learn where they used a great icebreaker to kick off our discussion.  Participants were told to imagine they have been given $86,400.  They are required to spend it all – none can be saved.   Their assignment was to consider HOW it would be spent.  Many then shared what they would put the money...
Time Management, Creativity, Goals

Creativity - - Often "Less" Brings About "More"

Jan 31, 2019 | by Cindy Sullivan

  My mother always said that the best gift for a child is a plain old large cardboard box.  Now, with children of my own, I know what she means.  They often seem most excited about the potential a box offers rather than the specific type of play often directed by the toy inside.  A plain box is a blank slate to a child.  The mind...